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by Brian Germain

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"Choose your focus"
By Brian Germain

We have a choice about what we focus our minds upon. Depending on what we hold in the focal point of our consciousness, we may begin to feel bad, or good. Regardless of the context, the feeling is ultimately what matters.

When we feel bad, we are not constructive. We see nothing but obstacles. When we feel good, we can solve anything that life throws at us. It is that simple. This is the reason why it is so important to monitor what we spend our time dwelling upon.

When we focus our minds on things that make us feel bad we loose our connection to the feeling of confidence that comes as a direct result of feeling happy. We disconnect from our productive, constructive self. Ultimately, this is who we are. When we are in a negative mood, everything is difficult. When we linger on a topic that does not bring us to a place of feeling good, we are unable to solve whatever life has in store for us.

That is not to say that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater, of course. The negative emotion is a powerful tool that helps us to discover whatever it is that we truly believe in. We need our emotions to guide us, but as the sole contributor to the mental processes that determine our actions, negative emotion is a terrible master.

Negative emotion, be it fear or anger, is an alarm. It tells us what we do not want. However, negative emotion leads us toward a destructive path that does not lead to the most positive possible outcome. It simply guides us away from something undesirable to us. That does not paint a clear picture of what we do want. It is simply complaining about the current state of affairs, rather than constructively modifying the situation to what would be a better reality.

When we begin to feel the effects of a thought that makes us feel bad, it is essential that we find out what the emotion is trying to tell us. As soon as the goal is accomplished, and that is usually within a few seconds, we must immediately turn our attention toward a series of thoughts that help us to feel good. If we do not, we will be powerless to effect things in a positive direction.

It is important that each person take stock in the things that make them feel good. This may be a specific activity that brings you back to your happy self, like skydiving, or hanging out in someplace beautiful. It may however, simply be the thought of one of these activities. It may be the thought of someone that you love, or a state of affairs in your life that is very much to your liking. When you are able to conjure this thing in a moment when you are feeling scared or angry, you are then reconnecting to the part of you that is an empowered leader of your experience. This is where we reconnect with our sense of humor, the human way of finding a higher perspective on our lives that makes us feel better. This skill, above all others, is how we convert negative emotion into positive flow of mind that cannot be held back by anything.

We must all make a long list of things that we appreciate. We must do this because it will help us to create more of these kinds of experiences through the conjuring of the feeling that is at the core of these things. The way you feel when you are at your best and happiest is the only place from which you can manifest your reality to become what it is that you want it to become. You must picture it, feel it, and then envision more of the same. Knowing what you want is the first step toward creating it.


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